Greg And Hollie In The Morning
The On The Go Info-tainment Morning Show!
Greg And Hollie In The Morning
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Penguin Plunge 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Pound For Pound Challenge 2013
WOOOOOHOOOO! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!! YOU have lost over 1,000 pounds, donated over 800 pounds of food and about $983 (and still coming in) to Feeding America Kentucky's Heartland during the Pound For Pound Challenge! That means YOU, Quicksie Nation, GAVE over 11,000 pounds of food to Feeding America Kentucky's Heartland!!!!
Thanks to Metalsa, B-Fit Personal Training, Stax Nutrition Center, Lincoln Trail Behavioral Health System, Jessi Clemons and the Bootcampers, Hardin Memorial Health, E'town Swim and Fitness, First Federal Savings Bank and Feeding America Kentucky's Heartland! "LIKE" Greg & Hollie P4P on Facebook
Thank you for being part of the Pound For Pound Challenge! G&H
Friday, February 04, 2011
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Camp Life

Meals are MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) or the military's new product the Heat & Serve (I personally like the MREs better). Each meal contains an entrée in a pouch, these pouches are heated in a baggy containing a heating element that is activated by water.

You pick these up at each meal time from the Chow Tent. You can enjoy the meals there watching the Armed Forces Network on the television or take them to your favorite meal location. For my dinner mates, we usually chose the work tent, but a few nights we chose to “Eat Out”. That consisted of grabbing your meal, water and a chair, and eating out by the runway. We would sit out there watching the sunset and all of the military aircraft coming in.

I enjoyed the netting over my bed, because it did give me peace that the mosquitoes, ants and tarantulas would not bother me through the night. I did encounter a tarantula one night when retiring to my bunk. Both the tarantula & I decided to exit the area in quick fashion.
Tarantulas are everywhere around camp at night. Pictures have been taken of ones as big s a man's hand.
I am impressed at how much PT (Physical Training) that soldiers do everyday. The camp workout equipment is nothing like you would find at your local gym, but it gets the job done. The equipment consists of a pull up bar, an open area for push ups, a large truck tire and the road next to the runway.

We would run each night down the road to the end of the runway, crossing two aircraft taxiways along the way. It was really weird waiting for a plane to to taxi out to the runway before we crossed or two see a large cargo plane taking off only 200 yards from you.

One night we waited for a plane and two helicopters all on the same run. The chin up bar is self explanatory, but let me explain the tire. A lot of soldiers flip, others jump onto it or through it, still others use it as a sit up bench. Some soldiers brought workout bands and small dumb bells to also use.
The camp also had it's fair share of clothes lines. Make shift lines thrown between two tents.

Laundry is done by buckets. One bucket for washing and other for rinsing. I had the chance to experience that on one hot afternoon. It really does a decent job cleaning your clothes. You use the same detergent you would use at home, and the same method of agitating as your washer at home.

A LADS (Laundry And Drying System) unit was established last week. This unit is a large trailer, that is basically a commercial laundry mat on wheels. I still think a lot of soldiers choose to do it the bucket way.
I hope you enjoyed this little trip around camp. I am truly amazed at how the 3rd ESC was able to establish a home away from home. I believe this helps the soldiers cope with being away from their family so long.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
University Of Miami Field Hospital
My first visit to the hospital I accompanied SSG Theirry Alexandre (who speaks Haitian Creole) & SGT Dave McClain. Nothing can prepare you for how these Doctors, Nurses and Patients live each day, a lot of people, very little space. On this night I met one of the most energetic kids I have even had the pleasure of meeting, Pablo Picasso (that's right, just like the artist). Pablo was injured during the earthquake, he had major damage to his lower leg, damage that required a skin graph of his upper leg to repair it. SSG Alexandre visits the people in the hospital just about every night, and was practically attacked by Pablo when entering the Pediatrics area. It only took a few words of introduction and a smile or two before Pablo was using me as his personal playground. For a father of two beautiful kids, who I miss very much, that was all I needed to brighten my day. Pablo is a big fan of basketball and through the pictures of Louisville games taken on my cell phone, I was able to share that love of basketball with him. I also had a few minutes to meet his mother and introduce him to my two boys and my beautiful wife. Even with the language barrier, with a wink he was able to tell me I had a pretty wife (can't argue there Pablo). We enjoyed a few games with my camera and piggy back rides around the Peds Ward. I will never forget my time or the smile of Pablo Picasso.
All through the Field Hospital there are amazing stories. Some are stories of luck, some are stories of tragedy. One of the most touching stories is that of a little two year old boy found living in a dumpster days after the earthquake. The boy had cuts and bruises and was very dehydrated when he arrived at the hospital, but since then has really started to gain his strength. That is evident by his really short fused temper, at home that would make me a little irritated as a dad, but here it makes a smile crawl across my face. They boys parents are no were to be found, but there is good news in this situation, our little friend is awaiting adoption by a Canadian couple.
The stories do not end on the Kid's side of the hospital, the adult side is also jammed packed with patients, some who are still recovering from injuries sustained during the earthquake, others have been able to obtain health care than was non existent before the earthquake. A lot of Haitians that received deep cuts or broken bones, had to for days without care after the earthquake. This due to travel time to the hospital from areas outside of Port-Au-Prince, because of this infection set in on many injuries and caused an increased number of amputations. These patients will not be forgotten, University Of Miami is looking into building a rehab facility right next door to its current structures. While walking through the Adult wing of the hospital, I couldn't help notice a woman praying over her husband who was sleeping. I asked SSG Alexandre what she was praying for, he said “She is asking God for forgiveness, and for her husband to get better so he could work to provide for his family”. I still pray for that woman and her family every night before I go to bed.
The two nights I spent in the field hospital visiting patients has meant a lot to me. The Haitians, once we explained to them we were only there to say hello and show them how much we care, they really opened up with the challenging stories of their life. I ask as a member of the media, that people look past the headlines of the national stories, and really try to understand a nation of people who have not been given a very fair shake in life by the people chosen to lead them.
Greg Milby
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Videos For The Students Back Home
The Camp video was just completed and is going though final editing as I type this blog. It will show how the soldiers eat their MRE (Meals Ready To Eat), how they wash clothes, take a shower, get their mail as well as video from around the camp. I believe it will help students truly understand the sacrifices our soldiers make while deployed downrange.
The second part of this video presentation was filmed this past Sunday morning (Feb 21) at the Farmers Market next to the port in Port-Au-Prince. SSG Alexandre, myself and SFC Dave McClain (with camera in tow) had the amazing opportunity to spent well over an hour talking with Haitians about daily life, what they hope for in the future and how they feel about the American presence here. Having SSG Alexandre with us was an amazing tool, we were not just media people will a camera filming all of the damage, we were people filming to help educate American children on how the Haitians live, and find out what they were feeling after this devastating earthquake.
We also made a visit to the park close to the Presidential Palace, a park that once was a place to play for SSG Alexandre, but is not a makeshift tent city. His description of the park them and the park now could not have been any different. Seeing the devastation of the Palace and the Cathedral was astonishing, but what stood out to me that day was how resilient the Haitians are and how they only want the basics of life and make do with anything they have. To close this blog I would like share with you what a young teenage girl shared with me when I asked "What would you like to say to the American students watching in the States?" The young girl paused, then said this "Listen to your Mother & Father and stay in school.........because unlike me, you can". The mindset is the same, only the situations are different. Be happy with what you have.
If your school or group would like a copy of this video please feel free to email me and I'll forward it on to the proper personnel.